Begin with the end in mind

Begin with the end in mind

Begin with the end in mind. These are the words of Stephen Covey, author of the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. In recruitment we need to know where we are going, we often get excited, and off we go and before you know it, you are stuck in the weeds. I want...
Jumping off the Urgency Treadmill

Jumping off the Urgency Treadmill

Often people share with me their frustration around not having enough time and a lack of clarity in what to tackle next. OVERWHELM, NOT ENOUGH TIME and LACK OF CLARITY …indicate you are placing more importance on the urgency of today over building a substantial...
Who helps you now?

Who helps you now?

Left to your own devices as business owners it can be tempting to take the path of least resistance. Until we become business owners we always have someone asking us the tough questions and helping us see the way forward. You can see where I’m going with this… When we...
One tip to create your best year yet

One tip to create your best year yet

Tomorrow is the first day of 2021. Crazy! Yesterday I was thinking about what I could share to help you create your best year yet. I found it! Just as I was thinking about this, I had an email from Dan Sullivan – coach to millionaire entrepreneurs – and it’s...


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