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What is your cash flow position?

What is your cash flow position?

Are you feeling a little rattled with all this talk around recension? You may have been running around different scenarios in your brain, wondering what might happen in your business. Whenever we are uncertain in business, it can create a horrible feeling and it can...

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Feeling a bit defeated

Feeling a bit defeated

Feeling overwhelmed, working really hard, not making enough money? You didn't start an agency with the intention of going sideways. If you just can't get it happening, this is for you.   https://vimeo.com/749476544/7405b3e2b1

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A few thoughts on content creation

A few thoughts on content creation

Your content always needs to be of value to your audience. Do you know what valuable content is? The content that has your audience say "They are speaking to me. Speak to your market, and discuss their pain points. Here are a couple of tips to get you on your way..."...

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How to delegate with ease

How to delegate with ease

When you are looking to grow, one of the first things you need to look at is delegation. There is a smart way to do this... Learn it, do it, delegate it. It doesn't need to be hard.     https://vimeo.com/741896563/56601243e0

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Is your busy meter in the red zone?

Is your busy meter in the red zone?

Do you feel like you always have competing priorities? Getting pulled this way and that... I ask you this because 99% of agency owners l speak to feel this way. And not just now and then, but most days. Let's go over a few ways to get your busy meter out of the red...

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Maximising your CEO time

Maximising your CEO time

Do you ever feel like your "to do" list is getting longer and longer and you never get the chance to sit back and focus on your business? Here are a few tips for you.   https://vimeo.com/727635752/1161418f0e  

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A few tips on how to command a room

A few tips on how to command a room

We’ve all witnessed that person walking into a room and without doing anything; command it.   There’s this visceral awareness that this individual is going to say something worth listening to.   They elegantly, yet powerfully move onto their stage, look up,...

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Get excited by the fear

Get excited by the fear

Have you done anything lately that has absolutely terrified you?   Bungee jumped? Abseiled? Parachuted?   Something that absolutely set your heart racing, covered you in a cold sweat, and made you want to run for cover? Last week I flew on a trapeze – I’m...

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Following the logic, not the habit

Following the logic, not the habit

It's amazing how much of our day is run on autopilot, we continue to do the same things ... regardless of the results. It's the habit driving the activity, not the logic. I would like to share some tips to help drive your decisions logically.  ...

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