Do you feel more valuable to your clients running a smaller recruitment agency?
…Or overshadowed by the big guys?
I know as a business owner, I love working on projects with smaller businesses for a ton of reasons.
In fact, most of the time I’ll seek them out.
☕ We were having our weekly catch up recently in Growth Club and one of the members was sharing how she’d had a few conversations lately with clients who much preferred working with smaller businesses.
Don’t you think there’s that certain level of connection you get working with smaller businesses that’s much harder to foster with the corporates?
If you’re in any doubt as to your value over the big guys, here’s 10 reasons why many companies and candidates would prefer to work with you!
👉 The opportunity to deal with the same person and build a meaningful partnership.
👉 Direct access to far more experienced consultants.
👉 Niche expertise driving “better fit” outcomes.
👉 Not having to meet a new consultant every 6 months.
👉 Knowing you can quickly resolve issues; no red tape.
👉 Thanks to tech and outsourcing it’s an even playing field when it comes to finding talent nowadays. So, no advantage there for the biggies.
👉 More skin in the game on each individual assignment, so consultants are more committed to a great result.
👉 Flexibility and agility. Processes can quickly be adjusted to meet client needs in contrast this corporates who have strict protocols.
👉 The focus on long term relationships over share price or board dividends lends itself to a more personalised approach.
👉 Concentrated accountability, because smaller teams feel more connected to the brand perception and overall success of the company.
And I’m sure there’s plenty more!
I often speak to recruitment agency owners who feel a bit vulnerable as a smaller business owner, but to my mind….
👏 you well and truly have the upper hand.