Housekeeping and FAQS

I didn’t receive any welcome emails?

Please check your spam you should have 2 emails – If not please email
[email protected] and we will resend.

I didn’t receive or can’t find my member portal logins

Please email [email protected] and we will resend those to you.

How do I log in/register to The Scale Project live calls?

Visit "Upcoming Training Events" in Circle.

How do I manage timezone changes?

Our time zone remains constant all year round. Any changes to your time zone will mean you need to adjust your calendar. Here is a time zone converter for your convenience.

(You will need to copy in to a new browser)

How much time should I allocate each week to the scale project?

We are mindful you are still running a business. 3 hours for project work is ideal plus the live weekly calls (Allow around 60 mins). The more you can block this time in one chunk the more effective you will be.

How do the most successful participants get the best results in The Scale Project?

Great question.

Here’s the formula:

1) Show up to the live calls – this is where you will get direct coaching from Belinda and get clear on next steps, stay accountable and “unstuck”.

2) Get into action on your "right" next thing (one thing at a time) THIS IS THE GAME CHANGER!

3) Trust the coaching and the learning. The hard days are when you are building your muscles and learning.

4) Ask questions - No matter how “silly” they seem you are here to learn and at some point everybody feels they are behind. That simply isn’t true – you are just learning new things. You wouldn’t be invited into The Scale Project program if we didn’t believe you had what it takes.

5) Contribute – Share your knowledge and learnings with others – it will build your confidence and help you see how far you have come.

6) How do I get support?
For technical support, "how do I find things", "I can’t login" etc. email [email protected]
For program support, please use our community discussions tab within Circle.

7) Can I get one-on-one support?
The program is built in a way that it’s unlikely you will ever need it. Belinda coaches personally for $1500USD/hr for program participants it is $450/hr. There are times when Belinda will offer some individual support, however this is discretionary. 

How do I know what events are on and when? How do I register?

Visit "Upcoming Training Events" in Circle.

You can register there.