From Running a Desk
to Running An Agency

The ‘From Running a Desk to Running An Agency' Playbook is a comprehensive guide for recruiters who are considering or have already transitioned from working at an agency to running their own recruitment business.

What’s Inside this Playbook?

Structuring the Business

Exploring different business models i.e sole proprietorship, partnerships, and franchise/licensing agreements.

Operational Efficiency

Streamlining systems, adopting scalable and repeatable processes, and balancing recruitment with operational tasks.

Financial Management

Estimating startup costs, managing cash flow, preparing for delayed payments, and seeking professional financial advice.

Hi! I'm Belinda Kerr

In case we’ve not yet had the pleasure to meet, I’m Belinda Kerr, Coach, and all round Growth Champion for SME Recruitment Founders.

I have personally launched grown and sold 2 of my owner recruitment businesses and now I get to hang out with other amazing agency owners like you looking to create their ideal agency.

Whether you’re envisioning a cozy solo venture or have your sights set becoming the next big thing, it doesn’t matter – it’s all about what YOU want.

No matter where you are in your journey, there’s always something new to learn, implement or improve to get you to success faster.

Which ties into my next thought…

The recruitment landscape is changing at lightning speed and your company’s ability to stand out from the crowd is in direct proportion to what’s between your ears!

With that in mind, I’d love to help you maximise the opportunities that surround you and turn your business vision into a reality.

See you on the inside...